How to buy Naturgy (Gas Natural Fernosa) shares
On this page you can read all about investing in Naturgy, a large Spanish supplier of gas and electricity. In this way you can immediately see where to buy Naturgy or previously Gas Natural Fernosa stocks. You can also find the current stock price here.
Where can you buy Naturgy stocks?
Do you want to buy Naturgy shares? You can directly trade in Naturgy stocks with one of these reliable brokers:
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How can you actively invest in Naturgy?
You can choose to actively trade in Naturgy shares. You can do this with, for example, Plus500. Plus500 is a CFD broker. CFDs are a type of derivative with which you can actively speculate on price movements of the CFD stock. By using orders, you can then automate part of your investment strategy. You can open a free demo account with Plus500 using the button below:
What is the current stock price of Naturgy?
Are you curious about the stock price of Naturgy? Below you can see how the price of the Naturgy CFD share is developing. If you want you can open a position on the share immediately.
About the company Naturgy (Gas Natural Fernosa)
The company Gas Natural Fernosa, from 2018 Naturgy, has a leading position in the energy market. Natural Fernosa has a history of 175 years. As a supplier of gas and electricity, the company is a pioneer. This Spanish company was the first gas and electricity company in Spain and Latin America.
Naturgy is now Spain’s largest gas supplier. In more than a thousand municipalities, Gas Natural Fernosa supplies gas to more than five million customers. The company is now a global player in the energy market. It supplies energy to 18 million customers on five continents. The company is headquartered in Barcelona.
History of Gas Natural Fernosa of Naturgy
The history of Gas Naturula Fernosa, from 2018 Naturgy, began over 175 years ago. In 1843, the streets and public spaces of Barcelona were illuminated by the company el Alumbrado or Gas Sociedad Catalana (SCAG). After 1920, electricity became more important than gas in the lighting market. The company therefore decided to use advertising campaigns to promote the use of gas in the kitchen.
A milestone in the history of this company was the introduction of light naphtha, this raw material was a substitute for coal. From 1967 the company started to promote gas heating. After a merger with a gas company, the name of the company was changed to Gas Natural in 1992.
Gas Natural Fernosa becomes Naturgy
In 2018, it was decided to change the name of the company to Naturgy. This name change was due to an important change in the company’s strategy. The company is focusing more and more on the efficient use of natural resources. These natural resources are necessary to continue to meet our energy needs.
The company’s policy also focuses on sustainability and the responsible use of energy. The company seeks solutions to reconcile energy and the environment. The company’s new name, Naturgy, fits in with this pursuit of cleaner energy.

Over Alex Mostert
When I was 16, I secretly bought my first stock. Since that ‘proud moment’ I have been managing for over 10 years. It is my goal to educate people about financial freedom. After my studies business administration and psychology, I decided to put all my time in developing this website. Since I love to travel, I work from all over the world. Click here to read more about! Don’t hesitate to leave a comment under this article.