Privacy policy is part of Site Diensten, an Alex Mostert company. Site Diensten takes your privacy seriously and takes every possible measure to safely process and use your information. This privacy statement covers what data is processed and for which purpose it is used. You can also find more information about the rights regarding your personal data here. Please review the privacy statement in detail and send an e-mail to info AT site diensten DOT nl for any questions.

What is Site Diensten?

Site Diensten is a sole proprietorship registered with the Dutch commercial register of the Chamber of Commerce under the number 55807410. The registration address is Herengracht 248F in Amsterdam (1016BV). Site Diensten is ultimately responsible for processing your personal data.

How does Site Diensten use your data?

Below is an overview of the purposes for which Site Diensten uses your personal data. The specific purpose is always mentioned so that it is clear why the data is collected.

Website functionalities

eBook Registration: Your email address and given name are stored in a database so we can send you the eBook. You will also receive regular educational emails where you will learn more about investing. You can unsubscribe from this list by using the unsubscribe button in the mail. You can also email us through  the contact form.

Website Analytics: How each visitor uses the website is tracked. This is done through a Google service: Google Analytics. This data is used anonymously. It is not possible to determine who you are, and the data is only used as part of a large data set.

Commenting/posting: When you post a comment or message, any data you put in is used. For example, this means you can decide whether you want to use your own name or a screen name. It is always possible to submit a request to customize your own message or to anonymize your name.


Affiliate marketing: other parties track on which links you click. When you visit a link that is connected to, for example, a broker or bank, it is tracked by means of a cookie. When you then purchase a product or service, Site Diensten receives a commission for this.

How is your personal data obtained?

Site Diensten is in possession of your personal information because you provided it to them. Under the European General Data Protection Regulation, you have rights when it comes to your personal information. On this page, these rights are briefly reviewed.


You have the right to see what data Site Diensten possesses. You can easily request this through email.


You may request that Site Diensten modify, improve, supplement, delete, or shield your data.

Limiting processing

You can obtain restriction of the processing of your personal data by Site Diensten under conditions.


It is possible to contest the processing of certain data on the grounds of legitimate interest of Site Diensten or a third party.

Information transfer

You have the right to request your own personal data. This will be provided in a structured common form so you can put the data into another digital system yourself.

Revoking consent

You always have the right to revoke your permission to process certain data. This does not have any past consequences, but it does mean that this data may no longer be processed. As a result, Site Diensten may no longer be able to provide certain Diensten to you.

Comments by Site Diensten

You can email requests to info AT sitediensten DOT nl. Site Diensten will process requests as soon as possible and respond within one month of receipt. If the request is rejected, it will be explained why this is the case.

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